There was an interesting update from Elon Musk on X, which used to be called Twitter. He mentioned that he plans to get rid of the "block" feature on X, except for Direct Messages (DMs). Someone asked a question about whether it's better to block or just mute someone, and Musk replied, "Block is going to be deleted as a 'feature', except for DMs." He also said, "makes no sense." Not too long ago, Musk bought Twitter for a whopping $44 billion and introduced the "Twitter Blue" subscription service. Then, he changed the company's name to "X Corp" in April, and later in July, he decided to go with the name "X" for the platform. In July, Musk explained that he wanted the shift from Twitter to X to reflect how everyone's imperfections make them special. The "block" feature is super useful for users to stop people from bothering them. On the other hand, the "mute" feature only hides posts fro...